Hi Alexander.

So you think the F100 launch was hurried.  Well i think so too.

But I think saying that the EOS3 is better than the F100 is just not
right.  The F100 was designed as a real working machinewhich can take
a lot of abuse.  It's a real pro camera.  Its got advanced features,
better than some of the F5's features.  

I believe Nikon's primary concern is to come up with reliable
equipment which will get us that important photo, and not to dazzle us
with a zillion whiz bang features.

When the F90/N90 came out, it wasfollowed by the EOS5/A2E.  The
F90/N90 could only do something like 3.7 frames/sec. and the EOS5/A2E
could do 5fps  When the F90X/N90s came out,it could only do 4.3fps and
4.1fps with focus tracking.  But Nikon made a point.  "What use is a
fast camera if you can't get all pictures sharp?" they asked.  They
claimed that the F90X/N90s could shoot all frames tack-sharp. 

In short Nikon designs for performance and practicality.

happy shooting.

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