Dear fellow Nikoneers (as you love to call yourself)

I didn't want to start a war by saying  the USA wasn't the centre of the
universe anymore. It was a metaphore and ment as a stereotip or joke if you
like. Looks like my crookend english is the cause for this mess and I bet
this post will be a perfect example. Missunderstanding in one word. Anyway I
appologize if I offended anyone, it was not on purpose. Nontheless, let me
explain a few things.

First of all I'm not a German. Gottcha all of you german-haters!!! I'm from
Slovenia and I bet 99% of you don't know where that is. Anyway, we'll take
geography into account another time. I received about 30 mail messages about
what I said. There was a fist of digesters with a rotten attitude problem
but most of you were O.K.. As I said I was out of line for a moment but that
wasnot an issue there. Again I'm sorry. I't a kind of professional
deformation. I'm a journalist from ex-comunist country and the majority of
us is in a kind of oposition to the government. Our tongues are sharp as
blades but in general we're harmless to the people. And kind. So, what I
wanted to say is that if something doesn't happen in the USA that doesn't
mean the rest of the world should will suffer. I subscribed to the nikon
digest to get useful information in the first place. It's pretty stupid that
all of you have internet access and you use e-mail only. Go searc the
Altavista, visit net stores, compare prices, ask for details!!! To stretch a
little your intelectual capabilities it takes more than just to ask a
question a wait for an answer. Internet is the biggest library in the world
so use it. My heart bleeds each time I see a stupid posts in style like "my
boyfriend kissed me - am I preagnant?" There's only 20% of useful
information for the users and the rest is nothing but junk. Requests for
prices, quotes etc. Everybody should read the manuals first and get even
with the equipment. It usualy works just fine, it's us who don't get all
there is. Looks like our favourite topic now is how come Nikon is so stupid
that they can't build a camera with leave-the-film-leader-out option. My god
this is pathetic! Why don't you ask Nikon? Switch to canon if that's the
only problem! You people make problems out of nothing. And that's what
bothers me. Opinions, criticisms, experience, problem solving solutions,
helpful advice and marketing speculations is what we're all here for, right?

Regards to all, ales

For those who asked German net stores one of them is The
site is in english and most of the prices after excluding VAT are about the
same as in the USA (e.g. new 28-105 3.5-4.5 D IF is 689 DM, 578 without VAT
= 340 USD

Again, no offence and sorry for non Nikon topic. Won't happen again! I'll
just swallow all that I get for as long as it's Nikon

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