>My whole equipment has gone with a car theft. It was a good old F301
>(N2000) with couple of lenses, SB15 flash, etc.
>I just can't decide what body to buy. My budget would permit an F70, but
>I'm hearing bad things about the interface. I always used my f301 in A
>(aperture priority) or manual mode, switching while looking in the
>viewfinder. F70 users, is it possible to make adjustments (switch modes
>for ex.) without removing the eye from the viewfinder?

Sorry to hear about the theft. Hope everything works out.

With regards to the N70 (F70) interface, I think if you are familiar
with computer interfaces the N70 will seem pretty intuitive. Basically
you hold down one button and turn the dial to highlight the item you
want to change, then hold another button and turn the dial to adjust
that item. I read through the manual once and have been comfortable
with the camera ever since.  However, people who have not spent a lot
of time with computers seem to find this cryptic.

That said, I do have some issues with it. The top deck does not have a
backlight so making changes is difficult in the dark. I don't think
there's anyway you could make any changes with your eye at the
viewfinder unless your changes were stored in the quick recall
function - you can save three "set-ups" for reuse. And because
changing most items is two steps - i.e. highlight then adjust - making
changes is slower than with a more traditional interface.

I also have an N90s/MB10  and much prefer the interface and handling
of it over the N70. However, the N70 is great when I want to travel
lighter and the built in flash is great for fill.  If I'm shooting
quickly I typically use the camera in aperture priority mode with
matrix metering. There's nothing to change between shots except the
lens aperture dial anyway.  When I'm working slower I switch to manual
and spot metering. The fact that it takes a few seconds to do this
doesn't matter in this case. I just try to remember to switch back to
AE when I'm through.

Hope this helps,


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