Subject: SB-29 [v04.n216/9]
Message: 9
I wrote:
"I am really irked at the mounting foot. It seems
so flimsy [snip]

"Neil Lightfoot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I made a similar comment to a professional
photographer once
concerning my SB-26, which is cracking at the
foot.  His theory
was that it was designed deliberately that way.
Which makes
sense: it is easier (and more cost effective) to
replace a broken
foot, than the camera's hot-shoe.

Well. several other posters also suggested this
was so. It seems to be making a "virtue of
necessity" to me. If this really was a deliberate
design goal rather than just a cheapening of the
goods, it surely could have been done better.
Mounting and dismounting the SB-28 is a finicky
process with much squinting and wiggling involved.
My SB-7E mates to my F2 much better. I remain
crashingly underwhelmed  with the design.
Jeff Wright  has had the sad experience of having
two cameras damaged in flash-hot shoe accidents.
(Sports photog.?). He suggests $20 as the cost of
having a new foot installed on the flash. I
suspect  Nikon won't so much as open a box for $20
let alone repair anything! Anyone actually had the
foot on an SB-28 fixed?
For every piece of gear "saved" by the "breakaway"
design, how many are out there with cracked feet
such as Neil's?
While I appreciate the replies as I certainly
never considered the possibility, I prefer the
older style  mounting foot and remain unconvinced
as to the design intention of Nikon in doing it
this way. To repeat, if that was the goal, it sure
should have been done better.

Terence A. Danks
Nova Scotia, Canada

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