On Fri, 29 Jan 1999 06:48:19 -0600 "Bobby Flippo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
in nikon-digest [v04.n223/15]:

>If I remove the standard eye level finder from my F4 and replace it with the 
>waist level finder then hook up my Nikon SB-27 for automatic balanced fill 
>flash, what type of metering does the flash use?

The F4's TTL flash metering is in the body, reading light reflected off the
film emulsion through the open shutter gate at the moment of exposure.  It
is independent of any of the F4's three metering modes for ambient light.
Therefore, TTL flash is not affected directly by the finder in use. The
flash meter is center-weighted, and is further biased toward the lower 2/3
of the frame.  It is not a "matrix" meter.  

However, with the waist level finder, the F4's spot meter, also located in
the bottom of the mirror box, is the only ambient meter available.  Under
these circumstances, best fill-flash practice is to meter manually using the
spot meter; in other words, camera in manual exposure, flash in TTL/fill
flash.  This works with the SB-24/25/26 units.  It should work just as well
with the SB-27.

Be aware that, for any TTL work with the F4's waist level finder, you'll
need a special (and expensive) SC-24 cord.

Sounds to me like you could use a book as well.  The Hove/Magic Lantern
guides are excellent.  An F4 manual can be obtained from 800-NIKONUS for a
few bucks.  Further, if one can be found, get a copy of the instruction
manual for the now-discontinued SB-24 flash.  The SB-24 was the original
flash for the F4, and its instruction manual is virtually the only
'official' Nikon source for many flash features of the F4.

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