I recently purchased a used 6006 from KEH camera outlet in Dallas TX while
on a business trip. When I returned to my hotel room I loaded film in the
camera and tried to set the DX coding, but kept getting error messages. I
returned it to KEH and they repaired it at a cost of $80 that they covered.
Is this an unusual problem or is it fairly common? I have been told that
Nikons require more repairs than other brands. Are Nikons prone to
breakdowns? I like the camera. It seems quite sturdily built and it feels
good in my hands. This is my first AF, so it's AF seems fast enough to me,
having no experience with the N70 and N90. It didn't take me long to
understand the interface. With some practice I can set modes and change
settings without removing it from my eye. Another question I have is how
helpful would using a Nikon flash with AF assist be? I am using a Sunpak 522
flash with a hotshoe adapter. Hey Nikon! What happened to PC terminals? Gone
the way of the dinosaur I suppose(along with DOF preview!). Still it's a
Nikon and I've always wanted one. Since no camera is perfect it's up to the
photog to find ways of getting around limitations. As I see it it's all part
of the creative process. BTW has anyone had any experience with KEH? I went
to their website and they say that they do not have a retail store. Is the
store in Dallas associated with them or is it just a coincidence they share
the same name? Thanks for any information.

George Bowen

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