> I have been reading about the supposed vignetting problem with the new
> 28-105 lens.  This disturbs me because in my investigations, the
> introduction of this lens has filled a gap in Nikon's line and thus is
> a plus in Nikon's favor.  The vignietting problem seems to be hit and
> miss, but if Nikon is really putting pink slips in to warn people
> about the problem, then I must assume that it is a real and know
> difficulty with this lens.
> Has anybody returned this lens to Nikon and asked them to correct the
> problem?  If so, what has the response been?

What about your reading?

The last Chasseur d'images published tests on both this lens and the Nikkor
AF-S 80-200 f/2,8 D IF-ED. Here is what they found about vignetting (values
given in "diaphragmes" =? f-stops):

80-200 lens:

            f/2,8    f/4    f/5,6
    80mm     0,5     0,3     0
    135mm    0,5     0,3     0
    200mm    0,7     0,4     0

28-105 lens:

            f/mini   f/5,6   f/8
    28mm     0,7     0,3     0
    50mm     0,4     0       0
    85mm     0,5     0       0

I have no idea if such a vignetting can be told as being a problem.
Chasseur d'images notes the 28-105 with a 3/5 for performance and 4/5 for
global (and somewhat subjective) appreciation ("coup de coeur"). So I think
this lens is not that bad.

I own this lens - this is my only one so I cannot compare. I have noted
vignetting (by defocusing and looking at aiming the camera at a little
bright spot surrounded by a fairly dark background). Surprisingly enough,
according to my eye, the filter doesn't seem to make it very worse.


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