Hi! Nikon users,
I've been an N70 user for over a year and half now, and love the camera. Been a
list lurker for over a year and this list is simply great! Thanks!

I have a couple of questions: (which reveal the offbeat ways I use my N70!)

1. The AE lock makes sense in the P/A/S modes, but in M mode, I'm in full
control of the exposure, so, if I meter on something and recompose, and do not
change the shutter speed/aperture, ignoring the meter display, it is same as
using an AE lock. Right?

2. Sometimes, when I have focused on a subject and am in the process of setting
the exposure, and composing, if I lift my finger off the shutter release, the AF
lens (35-80 4-5.6D) hunts a bit and focuses again.
If I find this distracting, I sometimes throw the AF/MF switch to MF after
focusing using AF, and try not to refocus. Kind of like a hands free AF lock.
Is this OK? For some zooms can using zoom after this procedure impact the focus

3. Does anyone use the partial-lens-dismount technique for DOF with ease? I'm
afraid to drop the lens/damage the CPU contacts and or lens mount, so haven't
tried this yet.
Any trick to use this safely with AFD lenses?

4. Does Nikon Service put backlighting into the N70?

5. There are one or two small specs in my view finder. I tried cleaning the
mirror and the focusing screen very gently with lens tissue/blow brush and still
the specs remain. (Yeah! I'm sure they are not on the eyepiece or the lens!!)
Is there any other place where the spec might be, or should I take it to Nikon
BTW is it OK to clean the mirror/screen this way?

... Bangalore, India.

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