
>I have just had a chance to use the TC-301 with my F-5 and AF 300/4 lens and
>have a question about exposure compensation.  The literature that came with
>the TC-301 said that with the F-5 and DP-30/EC-B finder/screen (the standard
>configuration) to use +1 exposure compensation via Custom setting 18 rather
>than use the camera's normal compensation setting.  What difference if any
>does it make?  Since I will only be using the TC-301 occasionally it would
>be a lot easier to just dial in +1 compensation when needed.

You can dial it in, but if you like to over or under expose your work then
you will be limited on the amount of compensation you can dial into the
camera since it is already one stop off.  If you adjust the finder screw
then you are at "0" and the exposure compensation dial will also read zero.
 it may also have to do with telling the flash there is compensation as
well, if you use the flash with that lens.

>Actually after looking at the first roll of ISO 400 prints I see nothing
>wrong with the exposure with no compensation.  In my rush to try the lens I
>didn't bother to read the instructions very well.  I'm tempted to just use
>it with no compensation to gain the extra shutter speed I want with the
>effective 600mm lens.

With print film you will not see one stop difference, especially
overexposure.  Use slide film to see the difference.  Print film can handle
as much as 3 stops over and 2 stops under and you will not see the
difference.  Print film is not a fair way to judge compensation.  When I
shoot print film I overexpose by one stop all the time to allow details if
I wish to scan the negatives for more detailed shadows.

Robert in Redlands

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