Today I picked up the test prints for my recently acquired 75-150 Series
E zoom. I can't tell you how much I like this lens! The prints came out
very good and the lens is just what I expected. I thank all of you who
answered my questions about it. I wouldn't even have had a look at it if
it were not for your positive comments.
And for those who may happen to see one: get it. I paid 100 U$S for it,
and it's almost mint. It has very little zoom creep (but nothing too
disturbing) and the elements are like new - no dust, no scratches and no
fungus. I recommend this lens to everyone!
Now, I have a question concerning the hood. I remember reading that the
original hood is no longer available. Are there any other hoods that fit
this lens? Under what circumstances will a hood become indispensable?
And finally, is there a reader among you that has bought this lens new?
I would like an estimate for the production date of my sample. The
serial number is 1916xxx. Thank you for your time.

Best regards,
Graz, Austria

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