Nikon Flash used with various accessories:

I have seen numerous posts about flash accessories used in conjunction with
Nikon flash units. I thus decided to conduct my own tests under somewhat real-
life conditions that we face. I used two SB-24's and one SB-28 (the tests
results were virtually the same with all units). My purpose was to simply
obtain some raw data, not concerning myself with the subjective quality of
light each scenario gave. That is up to individual tastes. My experience is
there is a certain condition(s) where each combination is best utilized. 

Test conditions:
All tests conducted at distance of 10 feet based on asa 125 film (what I rate
Fuji NPS at). Ceiling height was 8 feet 6 inches and painted flat white.
Readings taken with Gossen Luna Pro F flash meter. Meter was calibrated
against another Luna Pro F and both readings coincided with each other.  Meter
was set at 5 foot 6 inch height and flash was at 5 foot 6 inch also, and
mounted on Bogen light stand. Neither meter nor flash was moved throughout
tests. Three readings with each accessory were taken and averaged (although
all readings with each accessory varied less than 1/3 stop). Flash was
connected to Nikon SD-8 battery pack. Flash was fired at full (manual) power
and allowed to recycle for about 10 seconds (more than ample recycle time with
SD-8 attached). Fresh batteries installed in all units. Flash zoom set at 50mm
unless noted.

Test results:
SB-24 aimed straight at meter, zoom at 24               f8
SB-24 aimed straight at meter, zoom at 50               f11
SB-24 aimed straight at meter, zoom at 85               between f11,16
SB-24 aimed straight at meter, Lumiquest
Mini-soft box                                                                          
SB-24 aimed straight at meter, Lumiquest 
Promax soft box                                                                        
 f5.6 minus 1/3 stop             
SB-24 aimed up 45deg, Stofen omni-bounce                f4.5
SB-24 aimed up 45deg with no accessories                f4
SB-24 aimed up 45deg with white index card      f4 plus 1/3 stop
SB-24 aimed up 90deg with white index card      f4 minus 1/3 stop

Obviously if same equipment used in a Cathedral, outdoors, or in a small dark
room the results would differ. This was just an exercise to find the various
efficiencies of some of the common flash accessories we use. 
Steve Crist

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