On Fri, 19 Mar 1999 15:09:57 -0800 Logan Leachman wrote:

> I recently purchased an SB-28 to go with an N90s.  My question is this.
> How does one go about figuring exposure when bouncing the flash of the
> ceiling?  Thus far I have been very happy the flash and letting it (the
> flash) handle determining power output level.

Your question implies you'd like to use the flash in manual
mode, rather than TTL-auto-flash.  In this case, you'd have
to measure the total distance the light takes from leaving
the flash unit and hitting the subject.  You'd then set an
f-stop as follows:  f-stop = guide-number / distance.

Of course, this doesn't take into account the reflectance
and colour of what you're bouncing off of.  I once read in
a photo book to open up maybe another stop to take account
of these parameters when you're bouncing off a white wall
or ceiling.


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