The F3 CANNOT be set to any exposure longer than 8 seconds -
regardless if in "A" or "M" mode! The only way to shoot longer
exposures than 8 seconds [for the F3] is
to use the "B" [bulb] setting and physically hold down the shutter
release button, with your finger or with a cable release,  for as long
an exposure you need.

If you set the F3 on "A" and the LCD reads  - 8-
That is an indication that the exposure is BEYOND the maximum of 8
seconds that the F3 is capable of handling in the "A" [auto] mode.  So
what you must do is to change the f/stop setting so that in low light
conditions you get at least a reading of 8 seconds or less; OR - use
the "B" setting and count off [one-thousand-and-one,
one-thousand-and-two,.....] or use a watch to time the exposure. To
arrive at the correct exposure time for such a low light level - you
will need the use of a light meter or you need to get SOME sort of a
reading [open up the aperture, get a reading, then count off the
f-stops in SECONDS to correspond with the f-stop that you plan to
use], and the shoot on "B".

Hope this helps

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