On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, nikon-digest wrote:

> Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 17:52:26 PST
> From: Michael Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: N2020 operating instructions [v04.n147/6]
> Message: 6
> Hi all,
> I've been given the loan of an N2020 while my F70 is in for
> repair.  I've figured out most of the knobs and dials, but
> there are a few things I'd like to understand the meaning of.
> Maybe somebody can help?
> (a) On the shutter speed dial, there's the usual markings of
>     B, 1, 2, 4, 8..., 500, 1000, 2000, A.  I know what they mean.
>     Next, there's "P dual", P and "P hi".  I assume they're some
>     sort of programmed mode but what do they mean?
P Standard Program Mode
P Hi (Or P h) Standard program mode, but sdhorter exposure times are 

P d no idea

 > (b) Behind the shutter release button, there's a knob with two
>     settings.  One is marked with a tiny square and the other
>     with the same square and the symbol for audio.  When the
>     knob is at the square-alone setting, things act as normal
>     when shooting.  When at the square-plus-audio setting, a
>     beep is heard when the shutter button is depressed (and for
>     as long as it remains depressed).  What's this for?
Well, older cameras did have off, on , "beep on" settings. Its just that 
if the beep is on, audiowarnings can be given (like shutter speed too low)

no help for c) and d) sorry
> Thanks for any help.
> Bye,
> Mike
> www.NetworX.ie
> - ---


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