Art Searle wrote:

>If the F100's shutter is anything like the F5's, I wonder if I'd use MLU
>even if it had it.

At the risk of starting something, I'd just like to say I agree
wholeheartedly with this. I've always regarded the 35mm camera (any make) as
just what Oscar Barnack invented it to be: a small, handy, go-anywhere piece
of gear that could grab the shots that bigger cameras couldn't. I use 5x4,
medium format, and 35mm, and if I were taking a Nikon out into the country,
the last thing I'd think of taking would be a tripod, for instance. Bean
bag, maybe...These cameras weren't meant for that kind of treatment, it
defeats the object completely. I'm not saying that anyone's *wrong* to use a
tripod, this is just *my* opinion, so don't slap me too hard, I'm just
passing on what I've found over the years...if you try the DOF preview on an
F5, you'll find that it's *that* that makes most of the noise when the
shutter goes off and, being a symetrical motion, it's not going to add any
lateral vibration. The shutter is so vibrationless that mirror lock-up seems
almost unecessary.

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