Hi Sergio,

what about rechargeables?! NiMH and NiCad cells give you a shorter recycle
time for your flash. You can also run your camera with these cells. The
startup investment - cells plus charger is a bit more expensive - but on
the long run (after a _few_ charges) it is cheaper, better for our world,
gives you a higher flash performance and no bad feelings when you have
empty one - way cells in your hands - at least I get these!!

Disadvantage: You need to charge these cells regualarly even when not using
them (I do it every 2 - 3 weeks even when I don't use my camera equipment)
because of their self-discharge. That's it. So 3 pluses vs. 1 minus - go
for rechargeables!

Greetings from snow-white Vienna, Austria


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