see on fisheye adapters and links;
also on wierd third party 
lenses and adapters... ;-)

the 0.18x fisheye adapters correspond to circa 180 degree circular image 
on film using 50mm prime lens, to produce a 9mm equivalent fisheye effect

the 0.42x superwide or "semi-fisheye" adapters produce the equivalent of 
a 21mm focal length on a 50mm prime lens, but with considerable distortion

some good fun examples of 0.42x adapter use can be seen at greg erker's 
page at comparisons with 
various lenses and coverage and vignetting etc...

while the edges are less sharp and contrasty versus primes, you can have 
a lot of fun for low $$ and decide if you really need a circular fisheye 
or ultrawide enough to justify the extra investment in prime lenses...

regards and happy holidays to all - bobm

* Robert Monaghan POB752182 Dallas Tx 75275-2182 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
* Bronica 6x6 medium format: site *
* Medium Format Cameras: megasite*

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