On Sat, 5 Dec 1998 11:54:58 +1300, you wrote:

>re: Warning about B&H [v04.n148/9]

I really feel compelled to pass on my thoughts re- the above.
I do not understand the "chutzpah" (audacity) of the list member
to flame a "long standing" dealer when he had failed to follow
through with some simple common sense.

After following this thread, I ended up with the impression that
he enjoys masochism. He really reminded me of the story of the
guy who keeps on hitting himself on the head with a hammer
and when asked why he keeps on doing this to himself; he replies
by saying, "because it feels so good when he stops"!!!

IMHO, it only makes sense that when a salesperson or customer
service representative drops the ball and does NOT ***go out
of their way*** to satisfy a disgruntled customer; you are behoved
to take your issue to the store manager. If you still feel that your
problem is not being dealt with dilligence and dispatch, you take
your issue up with the owner. After all, you are only a customer!!!!

This is what owners are supposed to do!!!  They hire other
people to do the grunt work. They take over when the grunts
can't see passed there nose and that this customer is dissatisfied
either rightly or wrongly. Face it, you *DO NOT* get to be a B & H
by pissing off customers, whether the customer spends $100.00
or $5000.00.

I ask the list member that after his second attempt to resolve his
problem, why he did not go higher up. You know, *nothing* 
looks better to a customer that when something goes wrong,
the dealer rectifies the issue quickly. That's what bosses do and
they pay themselves highly to do so. This issuse *should* have
been rectified at a lower level though.

I must state that I have nothing to do in *any* way with B & H.
I live in Toronto Canada and have never purchased any product at
B & H, but if I do buy something there one day and am not satisfied,
I now know who to ask for!!  :)

Hmmm, I *am* in the market for a 80-200 mm AF Nikkor lens for my
F5 (Channuka is coming), I think I will get a quote from B & H. This
lens is just **SO** expensive in Canada.  :(

Al Simcoe
So Many fish, so Little time!

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