Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 10:13:02 -0800
From: "Richard McEnery" <>
Subject: RE: Nikon Reps [v04.n150/25]
Message: 25

>I wonder if there is a way to get the message to Nikon and their reps
about their attitude.  I visited a "Nikon Day" at my local >camera store
and asked the rep about the "P500, F100, N100" any he said nothing like
that exists.

There are many a time I have encountered with these sort of "Reps".  To
understand the situation, at times they are (the worst) just "reps" nothing
more, nothing less.  They get paid to stand there and try to sell you whats
there, since the F100 is not available, there is no commission....they are
not informed or least bit interested in the brand or products they
represent.  The other is that companies usually employ temp staff for trade
shows - this you can't help and if that person so insists, then it is pure

Actually I don't know what is worst your latest experience or "the new
model is better, how is it better I don't know but it is better".

I would have noted down his name and make a complaint if you so desire.

Kwok Shiung

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