Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 12:01:33 -0000
From: "John Partis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sharpness: Nikkor lens versus film [v04.n150/14]
Message: 14

Anyone any thoughts on comparison of lens sharpness versus film? What I
is - if I have a 55mm microNikkor (renowned for its sharpness, and
close focusing advantage) and use 800ASA film -should I bother about the

lens quality? Why not use a lesser 50mm lens (e.g. Series E)?

This is hard to analyze since the film makers don't advertise film
resolution anymore, and the camera manufacturers never have.

Once upon a time I subscribed to Modern Photography which published lens
tests that showed resolution figures.  It was a rare lens indeed which
could resolve finer than 70 lines per mm.

Once upon a time, Kodak published film resolution values.  The best
films (not ASA800) could resolve 125 lines per mm.

So, I conclude that lens sharpness is still very important.  If these
conditions are still true, then lens sharpness is extremely important.

Having said all that, I believe you will find that the mentioned lens is
not sharper than the others at normal distances.  These macro lenses are
far superior though for extreme closeup shots.


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