>  I've got a new AF Micro-nikkor 60mm f/2.8D. 
        > When I use it to take close photo, I found 
        > the aperture value from the screen is not 2.8 
        > while the aperture scale is 2.8. I used the 
        > Nikon F70D body. It is 4.0 at 1:2 position 
        > while the scale value is 2.8. Is that somthing 
        > wrong with the lens?

        No, all lenses are slightly darker at their minimum focus
        than they are when focused at infinity.  Macros focus closer, 
        so they lose more light.  Your macro lens is smart enough to 
        let the camera body know the effective aperture at the current
        focusing distance -- which I think is pretty cool.


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