: Hmmm, I *am* in the market for a 80-200 mm AF Nikkor lens for my
: F5 (Channuka is coming), I think I will get a quote from B & H. This
: lens is just **SO** expensive in Canada.  :(

Al: Where are you getting your prices?? If you take into account the exchange
rate, it's a lot more expensive to purchase your equipment in the US. I don't
want to get into price quoting on the digest so please E-Mail me directly for
prices in Toronto.

I actually do purchase from B&H for those items I cannot order from Nikon
Canada. I needed an R-Screen for an F3 and ordered from both Nikon Canada &
B&H, got the B&H order in less than a week and it took Nikon Canada almost
four months. Go figure! I have ordered off their web page and via phone. It's
been great!

Mark Vucinich
Images In..             http://www.interlog.com/~mvucinic/
E-Mail..                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Broadway Camera http://www.broadwaycamera.com/

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