: Are these AF features useful for, lets say, landscape, architectural, or
: studio photography? Enlighten me please. Thanks guys!


Yes & No. I use an F5 exclusively, mainly for portraiture, landscape and
architectural work. The best part of it is the five point focus system. With
the F90X, I used to focus, lock, recompose all of the time. With the five
points, I really don't have to do this nearly as often. Night & reception
shots are quite easy now, I just select the to focus sensor in vertical,
focus on the eyes/head and shoot away.

I'm really looking forward to the F100 with red led light up for the focus
zones. Won't have to watch the edge of the frame anymore when I change
sensors. Actually, It would be quite cool if Nikon releases an E & standard
screen with the red led overlays. Am I dreaming?

Do I need the super AF.. not really.. but I can tell you, It'll lock on my
subject's eyes all of the time. Not so with the F90X.
Do I need the speed? No way.. my F5 has never been off Single.

Mark Vucinich
Images In..             http://www.interlog.com/~mvucinic/
E-Mail..                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Broadway Camera http://www.broadwaycamera.com/

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