Steve Chong wrote:

>Now let me get this straight.  By default, Continuous Servo AF allows
>for the shutter to be released whether the images is in focus or not
>(i.e. release priority).  Changing it to focus priority would make
>it...correct me if I am wrong--exactly like Single Servo AF!

Changing the release priority of Continuous Servo AF IS NOT THE SAME as
Single Servo AF.  In Continuous Servo AF the focus is never locked.  Should
you pan to another subject or your subject move focus will change even if
you maintain a half press on the shutter release.  In Single Servo AF focus
locks onto the subject's current position and will stay locked at that fixed
distance as long as you maintain  half press of the shutter release even if
you pan to a new subject or the subject moves. These functions are
independent of release priority.

The above assumes that the subject was not moving enough to activate Focus


Art Searle, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lake Grove, NY, USA
20 miles east of Nikon USA

Art Searle, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lake Grove, NY, USA
20 miles east of Nikon USA

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