> Custom settings #1 and #2 baffle me.  #1 changes 
        > Continuous Servo AF (C on the focus mode selector)
        > from release to focus priority, while #2 changes 
        > Single Servo AF (S on the focus mode selector) from 
        > focus to release priority.


        > . . . . Changing it to focus priority would make it...
        > correct me if I am wrong--exactly like Single Servo 
        > AF!

        No, the primary difference between continuous and single servo 
        is that in single servo, the camera will focus once and then lock.
        If the subject moves, you have to take your finger off the shutter
        and press it again to get the camera to refocus.  In continuous 
        servo, the camera will adjust focus right through the exposure 
        if the subject is moving.  


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