I read your reply that the software for the AF of the F100 is improved 
over the F5. If I am not mistaken the software is the same for both as 
the F100 uses the same AF system CAM1300 of the F5. The AF "Lock-On" is 
the same function in the F5. The metering of the F5 uses the 1005 pixels 
Red, Blue, Green (RGB or colour) matrix meter. The F100 does not have 
this it uses a 10 segment (non colour) metering system. The F100 has a 
much better AF system compared to the F90X, if you can afford it would 
be a better buy than the F90X. It is also better built. The F5 is very 
costly. In the end I think the justification of the price depends on the 
utility of the camera for the user's purposes.


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