I have been in the market for a used 24 mm and came across one today. I read the 
archives as well as Moose Peterson's Nikon System Handbook. I have these questions:
1. what is AI? (I know it means auto indexing, but what is that?)
2. the man behind the counter said this lens had been "AI-d". A section was cut away 
which, apparently, makes it "AI-d". If he was correct, what does this mean?
3. What do I lose/gain with this lens vs. a new AFD? I know I will not have distance 
information. That's okay. I plan to use it for landscapes, and I love its "real" depth 
of field scale on the barrel. I assume I lose matrix metering. My LCD suggests I 
retain center-weighted and spot metering. I assume metering is available only in S and 
A modes. Any thing else I lose? What can I gain from this classic?

Thanks for any insights you can give me!

God Bless!

Robert Madden

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