>From: Roger Eritja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Vignetting on 200mm f/4 AIS Micro Nikkor? [v04.n309/15]
>Hi all,

>I'm reviewing the first slides from my second hand 200mm f/4 AIS
>MicroNikkor. There is a noticeable light fallof to the corners of the
>frame - I estimate it to be a minimum of 2/3 of an f-stop. It's
>especially noticeable when shooting wide open.

>I'd be very grateful for colleagues owning this lens for their input. Is
>it a "normal" behaviour? I didn't pay very much for this lens, because
>it was very worn externally and looked very ugly. Glass was OK, however
>I'm wondering if it could have been dropped, or knocked, causing
>internal optics displacement.

>Thank you for your answers


 Roger Eritja

  I have been using a 200 AIS Micro for 5 years and have not noticed any
light falloff at all . I would send in your newly aquired lens to be
serviced by Nikon and then get ready to have years of fun with a really
great piece of glass .

Peter Smith
Peter Smith Photography
Thunder Bay , Canada

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