First let me say thanks to Andrew for managing this list.  It takes a lot of resources 
and work to keep an enterprise this size running smoothly.

Going forward, some have expressed an interest in receiving individual e-mails instead 
of Digest form; others have expressed some horror at the thought of getting up to 50 
e-mails a day.  My understanding of e-mail list technology is that generally each 
subscriber can make that decision for themselves.  Individual e-mail has not been an 
option on the Nikon-Digest in the past; this was an attempt by Andrew to mollify his 
system administrators and keep the traffic figures lower (correct me if I'm wrong, 

Someone suggested starting a web-based forum similar to those run by Phil Greenspun at   I'm a fan of Phil's, but the web is not for everybody; there may 
even be some folks on the Nikon-Digest who do not *have* web access.  For that reason, 
I would not favor going to a web-based list.

If there is someone who can step forward with the resources and time to take this over 
in the fashion that Andrew has run it, more power to them.  They have mighty big shoes 
to fill.

Failing that, there are "commercial" e-mail list services available that allow 
ordinary people (i.e., those without Sys Admin skills or major resources behind them) 
to operate e-mail lists.  The "cost" of these is that each post or digest has a 3 or 4 
line advertisement in it.  These are similar to the "get your free, private e-mail at 
hotmail" ads that we see at the tag end of some posts on Nikon-Digest.  Maybe I'm 
jaded, but these ads seem pretty unobtrusive to me.  I participate in several lists of 
this type, and I think they work very well (though I'm not part of any other list that 
has 3,000 subscribers).

Anyway, those are my thoughts.  Count me in as one who hopes the list continues with 
its present vitality.
Todd Peach
B-XT23 Special Projects
Boeing Commercial Airplane Lab Test
M/S 19-MM     Phone: (206) 662-0921

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