Larry wrote:

> I agree completely, Thom. I purchased an F100 last weekend, and one of
> the first custom functions I used was to disable Closest Subject
> Priority, so should I use Dynamic AF it would operate in a manner that
> makes more sense to me.

I must confess that I'm somewhat confused on how Dynamic AF works. In the
case of Single AF, I can't figure out where Select AF operates differently
than Dynamic AF when Closest Subject Priority is disabled.

> In fact, Dynamic AF strikes me as being of questionable benefit when
> used with Single AF (though of clear benefit with Continuous AF).

I agree but with Closest Subject Priority activated... I don't understand
why you have disabled it.

> Seems it might have made more sense to have a fourth position on the
> front-side AF control - -- say, M, S, C, Cd (for "Continuous Dynamic")
> -- to enable Dynamic with Continuous AF, rather than a separate
> control on the back.

I agree the two controls are confusing.

Continuous AF + Dynamic AF with Closest Subject Priority disabled (default)
make me wondering on how Dynamic AF works. It seems to me that 5 zones are
very little to evaluate how a target is moving. I haven't really
experimented it yet but I must admit that it puzzles me.


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