Dan Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

"There has been a lot of controvery around the proposal to move this list to
a real-time, web-based list.  It seems that a lot of folks want the digest
as it is.  I hope most of you already know that the two aren't mutually
exclusive.  For a good example, take a look at the Minolta Mailing List.

It has an excellent web-based format, makes separate "real-time" emails and
it digests all messages into one per day.  In my opinion this is the best
system there is."
My experience has been different from Dan's.  I find the Minolta Mailing List 
and the Digest more time consuming to read than the Nikon Digest.  I have 
been lurking on these lists, and the Pentax and Canon lists, for 
about 9 months and find the Nikon Digest the easiest 
(and least frustrating) to read.

I am on AOL and may not know how to read the Minolta list the best way.  
I read on line and have to hit the back arrow (and wait) to get back to the 
after each message.  I get the Minolta digest and find I have to search on 
the message title while with the Nikon Digest I search on the message 
number...much easier for a bad typist!

I also like the 20 to 30 message digests (Nikon) better than the 75 to 100 
message digests (Minolta).

I hope we can find a home that will keep the digest in its current form.


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