I saw an N90s recently, and I noticed that it had a "Hyperfocal" program,
too.  Does this program work the same as the recently described one
on the N70?

>"The N70 also has a "hyperfocal" program mode but that simply
>sets the aperature at f8 (f16 in extremely bright light) and
>accepts the resultant shutter speed. It never selects a wider
>stop that f8 in this mode."

It seems silly to call something "Hyperfocal" when it has nothing to do with
hyperfocal distance.

It also seems like a true hyperfocal program would be very simple to
create with modern camera technology.  Put the camera in "HF" mode, press
the shutter halfway, and the lens spins to the hyperfocal distance for a
given aperture.  Surely a camera that can compute 3D matrix metering
and balanced fill flash can compute that.  You could also have "HF-
compensation," for conservative HF focusing.  Put the camera in "HF" mode,
spin the wheel, and the lens goes to the HF distance for the next stop
wider, then two, then three.  You could even have the "HF" mode be
customizable, so it will always be conservatively compensated to some


As to the future of the list, I also prefer a mail-based version over a
web-based version.  Easier to read and easier to post, for the same reasons
other posters have already mentioned.  Good luck to everyone trying to find
a home, and thanks to Andrew Donkin for all his great work!


P.S. Even after I sign up for the ManualFocusNikon list I'll still read
this list. I suspect most of the others will, too. This is not a schism! ;-)
The benefit of a second list is for those who are really not interested
in the high-tech stuff, which makes up 90-95% of this list.  Maybe there's
nothing more you can say about the old stuff; we'll find out!  Also, they
want to discuss more technique, which I enjoy as well.

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