Hello Anil,

I wrote that because, IMHO, the F4 was the last Nikon AF camera designed to
maintain the maximum compatibility between old MF and newer lenses.
Especially because it is designed to both maintain Matrix Metering with MF
lenses and also drive AF-S lenses, a feature that even the F5 cannot.

Even its interface shows that it was made to the taste of MF shooters, with
knobs and wheels, but built like a tank.

Please, don't misunderstand me. No flames are intended. All Nikon cameras
are marvelous pieces of gear, the F5 is superb but it is definitely made
facing towards technology, instead of compatibility. But even with that I
would choose the F5...

Good shooting

nelson kao

>Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 23:50:52 +0600
>From: "Anil Advani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: N6006, N70 or lenses? Was:What book should I buy?
>Message: 3
>Please elaborate, why would any AF body work "better" [amazingly] than
>any other AF or MF body when used with a MF lens?

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