David S. Cox asked:
>I have just become the proud owner of a Nikon F100 and I am now putting it
>through its paces.  I notice that there is warning printed on the outside of
>the box which states, “Full performance of the Nikon AF system can only be
>obtained with AF Nikkor lenses.” 

That's called a "disclaimer" and was put there to satisfy the lawyers. What
Nikon is saying is if the camera works properly under their test
procedures, but doesn't work properly with third-party (i.e., non-Nikon
lenses) that you can't blame them or expect them to _make_ the camera work
with the third-party lenses. For example, perhaps the CPU in a Nikkor AF-D
gives the camera more information than --say-- a Tokina or Sigma.
Fill-flash or something else might not work right, so Nikon is CYA-ing
("Covering Your Assets" <grin>) with the disclaimer.

Since the F100 has only been out a couple months or so, not all existing
third-party lenses have been tried yet (probably only a few). Until such a
database builds up from usage and reports by people like us on this list,
each F100 user is on his/her own with non-Nikon lenses.
John Albino

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