MC-11 is not a remote release.  It is the power cord between MD-4 and MA-4.

Both MC-10 and MC-12 works with all the motor drives and camera you
mentioned (MD-2, MD-4, MD-15, F4).  Both can turn the metter on and activate
autofocus with F4 when you press the button half way.  The MC-10 does not
have a trigger lock but the MC-12 has it.  This means that MC-12 can work
with the Bulb setting while the MC-10 cannot.  If you use the MC-10 with the
Bulb setting, the shutter opens but you will have to move the shutter speed
dial out of the Bulb setting to close the shutter.  MC-12 is the original
version with a straight plug.  MC-12A is the replacement with an angled
plug.  They are both 3m long.  MC-12B is the same as MC-12A but is 1m long.
There is only one version of MC-10 (ie. straight plug) and is 3m long.


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