Greetings listmembers,

While browsing the new F100 site yesterday at...

(Thanks Christoph, for pointing this site out).

...I noticed that a Right Angle Finder DR-4 is listed as a finder
accessory.  I am presuming that this is a new accessory being introduced
with the F100, but it is possible that it was introduced for the F5, has
been around a while, and I've just missed it.  Does anyone know which is
the case?

The reason I'm asking:  I have been on the verge of buying a sample of the
old DR-3 and the requisite adapters for my various Nikons.  But, if the
DR-4 has some advantages over the DR-3, I'll purchase the DR-4!

If the DR-4 has been around for awhile, has anyone used one yet?  If so,
please compare it to the DR-3?

Thanks in advance!
Mark Peterson
Ames, Iowa, USA

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