A couple of weeks ago, before leaving on an extended assignment outside of
Jordan where I reside I placed two Nikon equipment orders with B&H PhotoVideo
who I think most of us are familiar with.

B&H sent the first order, a new F90X body  to an address in the Washington D.C.
as per my instructions  (a friend of mine was visiting the US and brought the
body back in his luggage, this type of importation poses no probelms with
customs , etc. as it is considered an item for personal use)  - but imagine my
shock when I found out upon my return to Jordan that rather than send the
second order  for a Nikkor 35-70mm f 2.8 plus shade and filter (total order
over US $600 plus very expensive Fedex shipping) to the Washington address as
instructed,  they sent the shipment directly to Jordan!  Many of you can
imagine the hassles with customs officials, etc. that this presents.   I am
tempted to tell FedEx to send the order back to B&H  but I need the lens.  B&H
are on one of their one week holidays so I am waiting to see how they plan to
handle this.

Will they pay the customs?  Will they refund the FedEx shipment cost to Jordan?
 Will they hire more efficient personnel than the idiot who mis-sent my order?

Anybody else had an experience like this?  I hear more and more complaints
about B&H - somebody should remind them what happened to 47th St. Camera...

All Best,

Bill Lyons
Bill Lyons Photography

Worldwide Corporate & Editorial Photography

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