>  Do you know any adapter wich could mount on 
        >  the bayonet and hold Cokin filters?

        Cokin makes a larger series of filters and holders
        that might work.  I haven't used them, though.

        > Alternatively, I'm wondering which polarizer 
        > filter I could mount on this lens. Vignetting 
        > is already noticeable with the UV filter I 
        > mounted on it and I wouldn't it to increase 
        > with one filter ring more on it.

        One filter is all you'll get away with.  If you 
        really  need two filters, you'll have to use a 
        step-up ring on the lens and larger filters.  

        The Nikon polarizers all have a built-in step-up
        ring, but they have odd front sizes.

        You really don't need a polarizer and a UV filter 
        at the same time.  The polarizer will protect the
        front element, and any Nikon lens made in the last 
        20 years (except for a few of the series E primes) 
        is pretty much opaque to UV without a filter.

        > By the way, I have got a F100 (I'm specifyin 
        > it since I read in the user's guide that the 
        > standard (?) Nikon Polar polarizer filter cannot 
        > be used with it. 

        The old-type linear polarizers don't work with 
        any of the AF Nikons.  

        > Only the Nikon C-PL circular polarizer filter 
        > is supposed to be ok 

        Any circular polarizer is OK.

        > (Why the hell I don't know!).

        The splitter in the mirror (that redirects part
        of the light to the AF and meter sensors) is 
        polarized.  It only works correctly if the light
        striking the mirror is unpolarized.  A circular
        polarizer filters out one polarity, and then 
        'de-polarizes' the light, so the meter will still
        be accurate.


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