
I use this lens as one of my backbone lenses extensively for nearly 3
years and I can tell you, that this is one of my most favourite Nikon-lenses.
Before that, I used some primes and a Sigma 18-35mm zoom, which was, compared
to the Nikon-zoom, crab. 
However, I never missed my primes (besides the 20mm, which I sometimes use
for macro photography), nor in terms of quality neither in terms of usage
and handling. (And, of course, I NEVER missed my Sigma at all).

I don't know the exchange rate for the AUS-$, but for mine I paid roughly
USD 1800. 

If you can get one in mint condition, go for it. You won't be
disappointed. The only thing which is important is alwas to keep the hood on the lens
because at some length it tends to flare a bit in the corners when taking
pictures in sunny weather. (Another point is, that you won't get a DOF-table
with this lens...)

Hope this helps 



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