Regarding Bill Erfurth's comment that Agfa data shows that hundreds of
airport x-ray exposures are required to fog film, I think he is mistaken.
I could find no such data on any of Agfa's websites, but I could find the
following on Kodak's website:

"Except for the new types of inspection units described earlier, most
inspection units in use today are relatively safe for films with an ISO
speed or Exposure Index (EI) of 400 or lower. However, multiple exposures
without reorientation of the film, cumulative doses of more than five
exposures, and malfunctioning inspection units can cause fog. Films with an
ISO speed or EI higher than 400 require added precautions because they are
much more sensitive to x-ray exposure. Even with "film-safe" x-ray units,
you should limit exposure to one inspection. For films with a speed of 1000
or higher, request visual inspection if allowed by local regulations or
law. "

Play it safe, ask for visual inspection.

Bruce Rideout

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