@jzakiya Don't take me wrong but ... really seems not-so-good-idea, despite 
being used in Ruby. It was widely discussed by Rust users and they used the 
same arguments Araq and woggioni (well, sort-of-argument woggioni used  ) used 
here. Some alternatives include pairs of ..< and .. or .. and ..=, both of 
which have their own problems. A friend of mine always uses a .. b-1 in Nim due 
to these problems.

Besides, I wouldn't really call criticizing ... "badmouthing Ruby". It's a nice 
language but it has it's own problems, pretty much like Nim. It's not like you 
can only praise it infinitely to show your respect to its developers.  It's not 
unfriendly at all, actually, some languages' communities, like Rust's one, 
criticize their language heavily as well. What's more, it seems really healthy 
to me.  I myself criticize Nim a lot, actually (hi, Araq xD).

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