I'm having a problem with the parsecsv that I can't figure out.

Basically, in order to generate map tiles, I am opening five .csv files, and 
reading from them. The map tiles are generated in pairs of twos. I can generate 
25 pairs without any trouble, but the program always crashes when the 26th pair 
is generated, after the set of five .csv files are opened for the 51st time. 
This is the error thrown: 
    main.nim(38)             main
    main.nim(32)             main
    mainScreen.nim(627)      mainScreen
    mainScreen.nim(415)      processInput
    endTurnFunctions.nim(33) endTurn
    tileGenerator.nim(1141)  createMapTiles
    tileGenerator.nim(34)    generateTile
    miscFunctions.nim(27)    readCSV
    parsecsv.nim(110)        open
    parsecsv.nim(79)         error
    parsecsv.nim(75)         raiseEInvalidCsv
    SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)

Line 27 of miscFunctions refers to line 7 of readCSV(): 

I believe the means that the .csv file can't be found, but it is found without 
problem the first 50 times, and no exception is raised when 
      discard open(fileName)
      raise newException(IOError, (fileName & " not found"))

is run. This, and the fact that it always happens after the same number of 
files are opened, makes me think it is some sort of memory error, but I am 
closing the file every time, so I am not sure why that would be. The full proc 
is given below. If anyone has any idea of what the problem could be, I would 
greatly appreciate the insight.
    proc readCSV*(fileName: string, minRow: int, numRows: int = 1):  auto =
      var p: CsvParser
        discard open(fileName)
        raise newException(IOError, (fileName & " not found"))
      echo fileName
      let rowsToRead = numRows - minRow
      var tableEntries = newSeq[CSVRow](numRows) # will be appended as 
      var convertedTable: seq[seq[string]] = @[]
      for i in 0 .. (minRow + numRows - 1):
          discard p.readRow
          if i  >= minRow:
            tableEntries[i - minRow]  =  p.row # i - minRow to begin indexing 
at 0
          raise newException(IOError, "row not found")
      # need to convert from tableEntries[y][x] to tableEntries[x][y]
      for x in 0..<tableEntries[0].len:
        convertedTable &= newSeq[string](tableEntries.len)
      for y in 0..<rowsToRead:
        for x in 0..<tableEntries[0].len:
          convertedTable[x][y] = tableEntries[y][x]
      result = convertedTable
      return result

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