Please, feel free to ask anything, I'll try my best to answer. Note though, 
that that's only my opinion 

As for a good read, nothing comes to mind atm. But generally, since you're 
asking about OOP in terms of graphics, I would suggest sacrificing OOP, as well 
as composition-over-inheritance, in favor of DOD (Data Oriented Design). 
Additional keywords to lookup: ECS (Entity Component System). OOP is really 
unfriendly to batch processing. DOD turns OOP completely inside out, so to 
accept this you'll have to forget about OOP completely =). When you start 
thinking DOD (that will likely take some time), you'll suddenly notice that DOD 
is a lot more suitable approach for lots of programming problems. It makes your 
systems not only blazing fast but also makes it easier to reason about your 
code and your dataflow.

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