Let me do an UP on this thread.

@stisa Having a context between the code blocks looks like a non-trivial and 
very useful task. Did you make any progress? Can I jump in?

A little background: I did some experiments half a year ago. I was able to call 
a function from Nim. The binary was running, it was looking for a _test.nim_ 
file to change, then it compiled it to an _.so_ file, dynamically loaded it, 
and called the function. This was in a loop, so every time I changed the 
_test.nim_ file, it compiled, loaded, and run it.

I'm not saying this is the perfect solution, but we could generate code, we can 
access _locals()_, we can pass any parameters, etc. So the child process could 
access the parent process' variables. It is not easy, but looks doable to me.

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