Hi all, I got a basic kernel for jupyter notebook working, you can find it on 
[github](https://github.com/stisa/jupyter-nim-kernel) .

It's based on 
[jupyter-c-kernel](https://github.com/brendan-rius/jupyter-c-kernel) ( 
actually, it's mostly the same ) and it uses the python implementation of the 
kernel machinery ( a pure nim version would be cool, but it's outside my 
abilites at the moment ).

Still, from what I could test, it seems to work rather well as a scratchpad.

Here is an example 

Please note that blocks of code don't share state ( for now at least ) as every 
block is treated as a different file/executable. I'll try to work on it when I 
have time (suggestions are welcome).

Also, code completion is not currently implemented, I'll have a look at 
integrating nimsuggest. 

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