Hi Nim'ers 

I was introduced to Pascal in 1986 in high school, and it was my first 
language, not counting the very few lines of Commodore Basic I had under my 
programming belt before that.

Then, a long pause, and I got into programming again in 1997. This time Visual 
Basic, very quickly followed by Delphi! 

I absolutely loved Object Pascal and Delphi, but then I got into graphics 
programming (mode 13h, DirectX, ...) and I learned C++.

Now, after years of C++, I have grown tired of it, and have gravitated to C.

I have dabbled in Lisp/Racket, and am a proficient PHP programmer.

I have tried Python, and it is neat, but I like my languages statically typed.

So, after looking into new and up and coming "better C's" like Odin and Jai, I 
then found Nim.

And it is perfect. 

So now, I divide my time between Free Pascal (Lazarus), proper C, PHP and Nim. 
(With the occasional fling of C++ and perhaps a bit of retro C64 programming 

Other relevant tidbits: I was a moderator at the Ogre3D community for more than 
5 years, and am currently a moderator at the Yii Framework community forum.

Neither Go, Rust, Ruby, Java or C# has ever clicked for me.

So here I am 

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