
Many forums have a long running thread for introductions. So I am joining this 
thread. Hopefully others will continue in the future.

I just wanted to say Hi and introduce my self.

I am just learning Nim, but I have decided to make a commitment. I have read 
the tutorials and bought the book and am working my way through it. I have also 
joined the Bountysource where I could afford.

I am not a professional developer, but would like to attempt some serious 
projects. One of the things that attracts me to Nim is the natural ability to 
interface with both C and C++. I have used lots of things which do okay with C, 
but C++ always required a C wrapper around the C++ which made it either 
difficult to near impossible. I have projects where I will need that ability.

I have used Python casually for 20+ years. I have also been a long time user of 
Squeak and Pharo. I have known Göran Krampe for a long time before he was Göran 

As a long time casual user of Python for a long time, I find the syntax of Nim 
to be comfortable. I think it is in some ways nicer than Python, but I do have 
to get used to the static typing. As a long time user of Squeak and Pharo, like 
Göran, I do miss the live environment. I would dearly love to see some things 
that direction in the future. Pharo has been my language and environment of 
choice the last several years.

I am enjoying learning Nim. I like the features it provides. I like the 
efficiency and I do believe it makes for a nice balance between efficiency and 

I hope to be able to contribute back to the community when I am up to speed on 
using Nim.

Thanks for this language and the reasonably unique set of features it has.


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