>From a formatting point of view, please don't use the `code` syntax for bold, 
>it's painful to read.

I think it's completely misplaced to criticize dom96 for not contributing to 
documentation, he took two years of his time to write an excellent book, make 
sure that his examples are useful and also that they still compile (which is 
not easy given the rate of development).

And documentation is universally what most devs always put last, because there 
is always a new shiny thing, a bug to fix, deadline or just plain taking a 
breather and enjoy life. I don't think dom was saying that he found documenting 
too boring but he was explaining why the Nim community didn't contribute as you 
would like, you even say it yourself, "it's so primitive".

Also there is an interesting [Nim cookbook 

Regarding wikis, if it can be as awesome as [Arch 
wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/), that would be great, now some devs are even 
saying that [this is where information goes to 
 If people tell you "Add your solution to the wiki" after getting help on the 
forum will you do it?

And PRs for doc doesn't even require you to clone Nim repo on your machine, you 
can just check that the example work on 
[https://play.nim-lang.org/](https://play.nim-lang.org/), I fail to see how 
hard it is for a developer.

Last thing, I would really like you to stop with the passive-aggressive and 
entitled tone in your posts. While it's understandable to want something you 
like to improve and succeed, don't lash out within the Nim community, we all 
want to make it happen: you don't like docs, fine, build a library, blog, 
contribute to the cookbook/wiki in the thread I linked, add [Rosetta 
Stone](https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Nim) examples.

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