I am trying to use Embarcadero C++ Builder with Nim. The problem is that by 
default C++ Builder pulls in all namespaces. So you have name clashes for 
example with TFrame or Exception. There is a way to avoid this by defining 
DELPHIHEADER_NO_IMPLICIT_NAMESPACE_USE which should prevents this. But still it 
is APITA to work with this colliding names and till now I can only compile with 
-d:release. I think it would get easier if the generated Nim code would be 
wrapped into its own namespace Nim. This means the #include "nimbase.h" and the 
generated code

to illustrate my problem in the following code I need to include 
uFNimHelloCBuilder.h in order to use TForm2, but this needs to pull in some 
namespaces of the VCL which pulls ins TFrame for example. This 
uFNimHelloCBuilder.h is managed by the C++ Builder and uses only unqualified 
names like TForm or TButton or TFrame...
    import vcl/stdctrls, vcl/forms, vcl/sysutils, strutils
    using namespace System;
    using namespace Vcl;
    using namespace Vcl::Controls;
    using namespace Vcl::Stdctrls;
    using namespace Vcl::Forms;
    #include "uFNimHelloCBuilder.h"
      TForm2* {.importcpp:"TForm2" .} = object of TForm
        Button1*: ptr TButton
        Label1*: ptr TLabel
      TNotifyCode* = proc(self: ptr DelphiObject, sender: ptr DelphiObject) 
    var counter = 0
    proc myClick(self: ptr TForm2, sender: ptr DelphiObject) {.fastcall.} =
      Button1.Caption = "greetings from nim".capitalize
    proc test(self: ptr TForm2) {.exportc.} =
      inc counter
      Button1.Caption = Button1.Caption & $counter
      var mycall: TMethod
      mycall.Data = self
      #var call: TNotifyCode = cast[TNotifyCode](myClick)
      mycall.Code = cast[TNotifyCode](myClick)
      Label1.OnClick := mycall

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