I did some deeper research. wrapping the nimbase.h would be wrong it is enough 
to wrap the TFrame stuff conditionally into a namespace Nim. In the generated 
code the wrapping should start after the #undef unix or before the first 
declaration until the end.

Would you accept a pull request when I try to do the change ?

With my manual patches I can compile in debug and release mode, and the above 
code reduces to:
    import vcl/stdctrls, vcl/forms, vcl/sysutils, strutils
      TForm2* {.importcpp:"TForm2", header:"uFNimHelloCBuilder.h".} = object of 
        Button1*: ptr TButton
        Label1*: ptr TLabel
      TNotifyCode* = proc(self: ptr DelphiObject, sender: ptr DelphiObject) 
    var counter = 0
    proc myClick(self: ptr TForm2, sender: ptr DelphiObject) {.fastcall.} =
      Button1.Caption = "greetings from nim".capitalize
    proc test(self: ptr TForm2) {.exportc, fastcall.} =
      inc counter
      Button1.Caption = Button1.Caption & $counter
      var mycall: TMethod
      mycall.Data = self
      #var call: TNotifyCode = cast[TNotifyCode](myClick)
      mycall.Code = cast[TNotifyCode](myClick)
      Label1.OnClick := mycall

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